The unfinished healing of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndrome

Originally written: April 25, 2020 



I’m healing from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndrome and trauma one step at a time.

I love the simplicity of these two words, blended together.  I love the idea that we are all on a journey, but also the idea that it isn’t complete or polished.  We have not yet arrived and that there is still more to go.  


Things can always improve.  For so many years my health spiraled down into pain, exhaustion and brain fog,  and then I found new ways to first, cope and manage, and then  to improve and heal! And since I started taking those first steps in a different direction, my life slowly has changed and even  has radically changed in some areas.  At the core, many of my values are the same, and many of my struggles still are in the same area… but I have grown through many things, I have moved forward on this journey… and I have learned so much.   


At this time, I can look back at the past, and see all the steps that I have taken, and it slowly becomes my guide for the future.  Every time I take a small positive step, there have been results. .  Some steps were incredibly small and even hard to notice, but they are still steps.  Some steps were huge, and life changing.  As I look forward, and find one more thing to change, I am encouraged that there will be a result, and that the result will be good.  

The other thing that I love about this phrase, is that it applies to so many different facets of my life…  

Just as I am not in the same place with my chronic health struggles, pain, fatigue and brain fog, I am also not in the same place in so many other areas of my life… everything from emotional, mental and spiritual to even financial and physical.  It doesn’t seem to matter which area of my life I plan to address today, I know that there is going to be healing and a positive result down the road.  

My future journey

I am already in my early 50s, and an empty nester.  And I still have so many things I want to accomplish, and so many things I want to see.  

I am not done yet!!  

I am barely starting, because I am on a Journey… 

and it is indeed…


Are you on a healing journey?  Are you struggling with pain, exhaustion and brain fog?  You’ll love my Facebook group.

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