Originally Written: June 21, 2018

Corey found severe inflammation in several places but especially at the front of the brain. One of the suspected causes for this is MOULD! We lived in a severely moldy home in Carman MB for more than a decade so that made sense. He also found that part of my brain was “sleeping” during the day. Again, with the particular struggles that we had noticed, this was also making sense to Rob and I. Additionally the brain tests showed that I was functioning extremely low for a woman my age.
We went home sober and feeling quite burdened for a few days and decided to have more of the recommended testing done. Mould tests revealed some mould in our home (Just a bit too high to heal in, but not a level that would be problematic for the average person). It also revealed several fungi in the nasal passages, and high mycotoxins (mould biotoxins) in the urine. Additionally, genetic tests revealed numerous aberrations and broken detox pathways. Corey Deacon added about a dozen supplements to my current protocol which I am slowly implementing.
I went home and did a ton of research, specifically on healing from mould and found various procedures, with various levels of healing. So again, in consultation with my doctor, Rob and I decided that I would go on an extended sabbatical. To many of you, this does seem like a great reason to just drop everything and have a nice long camp trip, and while I will readily admit, that is the best part, I will also honestly tell you that because of the level of my disability, and my reliance on Rob for everything, this has not been an easy step to take at all!! I specifically do NOT like to be alone!!
On Saturday, Rob drove me out (to a location that, because I am alone, will remain undisclosed) and helped me find my way around. A lot of planning and work went into this which took months, but honestly years ago that would have taken me less than a week!!!
So far, the progress has been amazing. In just a few short days, not only am I cooking all my own meals but I am able to walk longer distances each day. Most of the pins and needles are gone and much of the inflammation pain in the head has dissipated. No more migraines and tons more energy and endurance. I am even hand washing my own laundry at camp, for which I haul water in 2 10L jugs, one in each hand and walk uphill back to my site!
I will be on this journey until early August, at least that is the hope and plan for now!
For more of my story, as well as the protocols that I used to heal from Fibromyalgia, MECFS, MCS, and Mould toxicity, join my Facebook group.