Healing from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)… The Journey Begins

Originally Written: June 21,2018

Today I am alone, completely alone, out in the wilderness. This is something I never ever either hoped or imagined I would do. As many of you know, I have struggled with ongoing health issues for decades. However, in the past decade I saw a lot of improvements and had a lot of ups and downs during this part of my journey. From severe pain and debilitating fatigue, I managed to go from walking with a cane back to walking unassisted. And for this I am deeply thankful.

The one thing I have not been all that vocal about is the brain fog. This is something that is really hard to explain-how disabling brain fog really is. And as my body appeared to heal, consistently I had noted  that my brain was not responding correctly.

Additionally, a few years back I experienced new concerning symptoms.  More numbness and dysfunction in my legs, as well as bizarre symptoms in my face and arms. My family doctor ran tests including some genetic tests and told me “we need to think outside the box”. She pursued everything within her power and again for this I am extremely grateful.

In addition to the odd pins, needles, tingles and numbness, I had an increase in head and shoulder pain. Occasional “migraines” became severe and frequent for me. I put that word in quotations for a reason because the symptoms that accompanied them were also odd. And it would take me up to four days to recover. Because I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and react severely to almost all drugs it has been impossible to treat this and find relief.

About a year and a half ago, Rob and I attended a workshop where a Naturopathic Doctor who also had a masters in Neuroscience gave a presentation.  After some more research and prayer and another really scary incident, in February of this year we chose to add him to my health care team.

Corey Deacon did a brain scan and numerous brain tests. The news he gave us was both the most sobering and satisfying news I think I have ever had from a doctor. All the things that I had been saying for years about my brain function were supported by these tests, that was the satisfying part. Finally there was someone telling me that it wasn’t all in my head, but that it really “was in my head”.

To be continued…