Originally Written: May 20, 2020

I have only one daughter, and she is truly incredible! Having chronic health issues meant my whole family had to go on this journey with me. It wasn’t a choice for them, and it certainly wasn’t my choice either. I’m sure all my kids have been affected and traumatized by having a disabled mom who struggles in many little ways.

Alyssa was just a young girl when she started helping around the house. Not because she was old enough or ready, but because she was available and I needed the help. Looking back, I’m not even sure if she did things earlier than she should have, but that wasn’t the point. Instead of setting specific age milestones for household chores, our choices were based on practicality. I couldn’t fold all the laundry due to my swollen hands, so child “A” would do this, child “B” would do that, and so on.

God truly blessed me with a smart and eager-to-learn daughter. But He also blessed me with a child who grew into an adult and continued to help and be there for me in times of crisis.

During one part of my journey, I experienced a strange and frightening symptom. Out of nowhere, I would flush from head to toe, resembling a sunburn, but it would start with small red specks. This “flush” wasn’t just a color change; there were also areas that would swell and the intense heat was extremely uncomfortable. It also affected my breathing, and the worst part was that it put me in a fog. My brain would shut down, and sometimes I couldn’t remember what to do.

While doctors were running tests for over 2 years without any answers, Alyssa helped me develop an Essential Oils protocol to manage the symptoms during an “attack.” On one occasion, she guided my husband through the process over the phone, speaking calmly. And on multiple occasions, she would drop everything, pack up the kids, and come sit with me until my husband could come home or until I was safe.

If you’re on a similar journey with crazy symptoms, from pain and fatigue to severe brain fog, I understand the frustration of finding no answers within the healthcare system. It took me many years and a team of family, friends, and practitioners to figure things out through trial and error. But with their support, I made it, and I’m incredibly grateful.

Are you struggling with a difficult and unanswered journey? 

Do you need help with certain things? You should join my Facebook group where we discuss various health strategies to make life easier.

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