Originally Written: November 18, 2020

In today’s modern world, humans have become accustomed to the indoor lifestyle. We live, work, and play all within the confines of our homes, offices, and technology. Unfortunately, this convenience has come at a cost to our health, both physically and spiritually. One of the most significant consequences of this shift is a lack of exposure to sunlight, which has led to a significant deficiency in Vitamin D.
It wasn’t always like this. Many centuries ago, humans slept indoors, but most of their daily activities were conducted outside. They relied on sunshine for their physical and emotional well-being, as the warmth and light it provided were essential for their survival. However, as we have evolved and adapted to new technologies, our lives have transitioned indoors, and our exposure to this essential vitamin has decreased.
The lack of exposure to Vitamin D can be detrimental to our health, leading to bone-related problems and other serious health issues. This is why it is crucial to find ways to get our daily dose of Vitamin D while sticking to our indoor lifestyle. One way to do this is through adopting healthy habits like going outside when possible, even if just for a few minutes, and seeking out exposure to natural sunlight.
It is fascinating to note that animals seem to have an innate understanding of the importance of sunlight. I see this in my own dog who frequently seeks out the one patch of sunlight in my home. When I open the door, he escapes the inside to bask in the sun’s warmth and light. If animals understand the significance of Vitamin D, why don’t we?
It’s not a stretch to compare seeking God’s light and truth to seeking sunshine. Just as our physical well-being is improved by being in the sun, so too is our spiritual health improved by seeking out God’s light and truth. The message here is clear – we should all take time out of our busy indoor lifestyles to bask in the sun’s natural light and seek out spiritual truth in our lives.
The benefits of spending time outside and getting exposure to Vitamin D cannot be overstated. In addition to the physical and spiritual benefits, it can also be therapeutic, helping to reduce stress and improve our overall mood. Furthermore, being outdoors allows us to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. So, the next time you find yourself feeling down or in need of some sunshine, remember the importance of Vitamin D and take a few minutes to step outside and bask in the sun’s natural light. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.
If you struggle with a lack of sunlight, check this blog post (5 Ways Light Therapy can Help Improve Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. )