Skin poop.
Yup, that is my phrase for it… because that’s really is what it is.
Your skin is the largest organ that you have and one of its major functions is to excrete toxins from your body. A LOT of crap comes out though your skin. Most people are aware of the stink that is in your arm pits at the end of the day, but many of us pay little attention to the “other” stuff happening in or on our skin.
The fact is, your skin is constantly excreting or pooping toxins. Think about that for a minute!!
During the sleep cycle, our bodies go into a heavy detox phase… in fact, sleep time is the most important time for detoxing. So here is the thing… many of us put clean clothes on daily… but few of us think about what ends up in our sheets at night, and even less of us think about what ends up in our mattresses.
And one thing that FEW people do, is wash their sheets daily.
Hotels often do. And they use WHITE sheets. That way, everyone knows that the sheets are CLEAN. So here are my thoughts…. When you have a dark coloured sheet that doesn’t show your skin poop, YOU NEVER KNOW IF THEY ARE TRULY CLEAN!!
So, a few years back, I swapped out my dark grey, clean LOOKING sheets for pristine, organic whiteness. These sheets feel TOTALLY different!! They are amazing. I wash my sheets once a week. And again… with a few detox products, I am probably skin pooping more at night than an average person.
But after a month or so, my sheets already had a slight grunge. So, I threw them in the bathtub and added a cup of my laundry stripper (recipe below). I used the hottest water I could in the bathtub and then added several pans of freshly boiled water. While I poured that boiled water over them, I could see the water turning greyer and greyer. I let that sit for 4 hours, then wrung them out by hand and threw them into the machine for a regular wash cycle!
And presto…. Back to pristine whiteness!!
Here is the water before adding the sheets.

Here is a picture of the grunge seeping out of the sheets after I added extra boiled water.

And here is the water after I took the sheets out!!

Any questions? ARGH FACE!
Here is the gross part…. My 10 year old grey sheets? They have never been stripped. They are grey and do not show the grunge. WOW…. I do not even want to think about what I have been sleeping in…. I seriously will never buy coloured sheets again.

Here is my AH MA ZING recipe for sheet stripper!!
1 Tbsp Thieves Laundry Soap*
1 Cup Baked Baking Soda
3 Capsful Thieves Household Cleaner*
15 Drops of Digize Essential Oil*
Put one cup of this into the tub full of boiling water. Soak for 4 hours
* To find these products, follow this link and search for the following products:
- Thieves Laundry Soap, Product #534903
- Thieves Household Cleaner, Product #374303
- Digize Essential Oil, Product #332403
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