Journey To Freedom

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.  

Psalm 147: 3

One Session Could Get You On Your Way

I was struggling with multiple diagnosis for which there were (supposedly) no cures. I didn’t have depression, or anxiety, or PTSD, or panic attacks or any of those things! Or did I?


The truth is that I was so steeped in the fight to regain my life, so immersed in the steps to stay safe from the next attack, so busy with the daily steps that I had to take to heal… that I could not see what was happening to me on an emotional level.


I took all the right steps to heal, and I definitely did move forward. But then I would spiral five steps back.  The frustration built up…  I was AFRAID to step out the door alone because symptoms would erupt.  I was AFRAID to visit family members because symptoms would crop up and stay with me for days.  I was AFRAID to go shopping, because that often resulted in days in bed.


Finally the realization dawned on me.


I was constantly AFRAID!


And even after I started to heal, the fear stayed with me. Along with a whole pile of negative emotions.


And those negative emotions held me back.


ONE session was all it took for me to understand that I had a pile of damaging emotions festering inside of me.  ONE session was all it took for me to realize that emotions were important in the physical healing process.  And that all of these emotions were getting in my way.


It took multiple sessions to restore me.  It was hard work to process the grief and anger that was bottled inside.  It was hard work to forgive.  It was hard work to let go of the “could have beens” and the “if only I’d knowns”, but it was definitely something I could do and something I did!  

Gone were the set backs.  Gone were the crashes.

If this could work for me, it could work for you.

I am an Emotional Healing Practitioner

Certified by Anointed to Soar – Eileen C. Jones

What Can You Expect In A Session...

For each session you will need a large glass of water, pen and a small journal.  You will need to be in a quiet, comfortable place.  
We will always take time to settle and be reflective, however, it is helpful to not “rush into the session” if that can be avoided, so it is recommended that you book accordingly.  
Each session can vary in length, however, you should have a least a full hour available.

What Essential Oils Will You Need...

This program only uses Young Living® Essential oils. I have done extensive research into these oils and this program follows this research.


You need to have Clarity and Release. These two oils are always used.  I also use a third oil, which can vary a lot. Idaho Blue Spruce works well for those that do not have a full selection of oils.


Other oils that are I use most often are:

Frankincense, Inner Child, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Palo Santo, Idaho Grand Fir, and Ylang Ylang.

As you dig deeper and deeper with each successive session, I may suggest other oils as well.


What Else Should You Know About the Sessions...

After each session you will be required to do some work on your own.  In addition to daily meditation times, you may also be required to do other things, depending on what comes up during the session.  
Journey to Freedom is a program that often detoxes you from the cellular level.  You will need to drink EXTRA water (H2O only… not coffee, juice, pop etc).  You may also need to take detox baths with epsom salts and include extra rest time.  Please contact me for further suggestions if you are struggling.  🙂  
Sometimes difficult memories may come up between sessions.  If you would like extra time/coaching to process these memories, please book this as soon as the issue arises.  

I Would Like to Get Started

Coming Soon

After having an Anointed to Soar Session with Agnes , I have been able to work through even more layers getting them peeled back. I feel like a deep root was pulled out over the Session. I feel that God has been doing a Healing in and through me since this session. I highly recommend her.

Claudette Dockrell

I have done some sessions with Agnes at Anointed to Soar and it has been such a great experience. I thought it might make me feel good, I had NO IDEA I would make some big revelations!
Memories I had stuffed as insignificant, embarrassing moments and moved on. They needed to be seen for what they REALLY were and not feed myself lie after lie.
I can’t wait to see what the next sessions will open up for me!! I’m ready to Soar! 

Shelley Meakin-Chamzuk

In my session with Agnes, she made me feel safe and accepted, we were able to bring up a memory of neglect that I hadn’t fully processed in the past.  We brought it in prayer to the Father to find healing, and I was able to forgive and recognize how this memory had sabotaged how I felt about myself and others.  
Because Agnes was so gifted at listening to me without judgement or condemnation, I was able to work through an issue that might have continued to hold me captive.
Eileen Jones

Helping women begin to heal from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) using natural trauma-informed strategies.